Training a Belgium Malinois with Dog Trainer Paul Jurov
Group dog training with Dog Trainer Paul Jurov
Training heeling on a public street with Dog Trainer Paul Jurov
Lectures on dog training at K9 World School for Dogs
K9 World School for Dogs offers lectures on dog training by Dog Trainer Paul Jurov. To see prices and locations for the lectures please click on the Prices link below.
Dog trainers
K9 World School for Dogs has been training dogs for more than 10 years. Over that time we have trained many different breeds of dogs and helped their owners learn how to deal with various problems. Our goal is for our experienced dog trainer to work with you to achieve the desired result in the most convenient way for you. The methods we use to train dogs are humane and teach the dog to use it’s instincts, to listen and to have fun while training.
Paul Jurov
Owner and Head Trainer Paul Jurov is available to assist you with all of your dog’s needs. He is bi-lingual in English and Bulgarian and fluent in Mandarin Chinese, offering clear and understandable training for all his clients. Paul is a professional Dog Trainer and has studied under Canine Trainer Joe Scargill for the last 4.5 years. Paul uses gentle and humane training methods to help you form a stronger bond with your canine family member. He will structure a customized training plan to fit the needs of your entire family, as well as, your canine companion. Before becoming a dog trainer Paul worked as a dog groomer. He has participated in events and given lectures on dog training in Bulgaria and China.
Joe Schargill
Consultant / Decoy
Joe Scargill is currently working for a government agency in the United States of America. Previously he was Head Dog Trainer for police in the state of Ohio. He competes with his own dogs in the French Ring competition dog sport and Mondio which is an authorised international dog sport enabling competitors from around the world to compete in a common sport. He has successfully competed in the sport of IPO which includes phases of tracking, obedience and protection for dogs.